A Season in the Valley: Addressing those Times of Struggle in your Faith

 The Hidden Place Take me to the place where the little cabin sits within a grassy meadow with mountains all around facing the sea. The crystal white sand beginning where the meadow ends stretches forth into the cool water that beckons me from afar. I feel at peace here; unplugged and with no one around but just me and God. I feel free here from my heavy burdens. I needed this. This is our meeting place, hidden from the rest of the world.

This is a place that I envisioned when I was meditating one night. Sometimes we just need that time and space where we can just separate ourselves from the rest of the world to hear the voice of God more clearly.  

Like I mentioned in my previous blog, Sometimes I fall, we go through different seasons in our lives, and sometimes they are low seasons. Seasons where we find ourselves in the valley feeling; dry, weary, or altogether just distant from God. In this series of blogs that I will be sharing, I will be taking you guys through my valley moments. I am finding myself in a season where I feel like my faith is being tested and I'm sure there are other believers and even non-believers who are experiencing this right now. I know that through my experiences I am helping others and one thing that I have been repeating to myself is that healing and deliverance is a process. So, just keep holding on and pushing forward even if it is just a crawl because our breakthrough is nearer than we think, and giving up is when we truly are defeated but I choose to live and I choose victory! We can make it through this season together! 

Just remember that it won't always be like this, seasons change💞 Have a blessed Sunday and keep a lookout for the next blog of this series!


  1. Knowing the heart and character of God and remembering he's God in every season has given me renewed hope even in the valleys.

    It's great to conciously introduce our situation to our God for a change. Seasons definitely change, I'm glad our God doesn't. Thanks for the encouragement!

    1. Very true, he said he will never forsake or leave us, so he is always with us! I'm definitely glad our God doesn't change too and you are so welcome :) God bless you!


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