Sometimes I fall short

Picture made by Shalem-Salmina

 I fall short

I fall short of your glory

This fat is choking me

This flesh is killing me

Weighing me down

I cannot carry

My spirit shaking inside

Trying to break free

My eyes cannot see

My ears cannot hear

I cannot feel

Whenever you are near

Blind, I lean on my Faith

Deaf, I look to your signs

To guide me, to show me

That your always there

Even though I fall short,

Short of your glory

©    ~ Star Latty

    We all fall short of God's glory but that is why we have grace and his truth to guide us. We are humans and sometimes we make mistakes (whether intentionally or unintentionally) and a lot of the times we do end up falling short and disappointing God but the good thing to know is that he does not give up on us. He said he would never forsake us, so, he is near even when we are sitting in our tears asking him, where are you? In those times of questioning, I usually find myself  trying to move past the doubts by reminding myself of God's words and what he has said about me just to keep me going...

"Be of good courage Star. You are a daughter of the Lord. The Lord loves you Star. You are worth it Star. The Lord said he would not leave nor forsake you. Trust in the Lord Star. Its okay to feel weak because the Lord is your strength. Do not let your heart be faint at his rebuke because like a good Father he chastens his children. It's not to break you but its for your good Star. After the rebuke he instructs you so don't worry Star. He will mend your broken heart and take away the pain. He is your helper. Please be of good courage Star. He will make you into the best version of yourself. Don't worry Star. This is your year of redemption. Don't give up Star. Hope in God."

    Sometimes I struggle with my walk with God and I will admit at times I am not okay and that's when the negative thoughts come in, which is why it is always good to speak a word of encouragement to ourselves. I wrote this poem in a time of high intense emotions and I was actually considering this blog to be my last for a while. I was considering this because I was questioning myself saying; what if I am being a hypocrite? I am writing and encouraging people to have a relationship with Jesus but my own relationship with Jesus has been a bit rocky recently. However, one of my sisters told me not to stop and to show those rocky moments because it might be helping someone who might be going through it too and she is absolutely right. There are seasons where some of us will feel so close to God and some seasons when we do not but knowing that there are others who are also going through it makes us feel less alone. When you go on a journey you never know what will happen, you won't always have sunny days and that's the same as our spiritual journeys. Sometimes we will hit those rocks and find ourselves in the valley instead of the mountain top, especially with what we go through in life, but as long as we do not give up on God we will make it through those rocky/valley moments.

Despite what I might be going through right now, I know that I am an overcomer by his love and so are you! It's okay to not be okay sometimes but we cannot make it consume us because it can cause us to be blind and deaf to God's presence. Although we might find ourselves in darkness, the Lord will light up that dark place; he definitely has with me, literally speaking! But that is a testimony for another time, maybe I will share it in my next blog. Stay tuned! And know that Jesus loves you💕


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