
Showing posts from April, 2020

How to be truly happy in a season of singleness (Part 2)

Hey all! I hope you guys liked last week's blog on how to be a happy single and as promised here is the sequel where I will be telling you three more secrets to being happy in your season of singleness! After you've overcome loneliness and have taken the time out to self-evaluate and  distinguish your needs from your wants, you have to face the unavoidable, which is seeing other people in relationships around you. 4. Face the F. O. M. O of not having/being in a relationship while everyone else is in one It's easier and can even be a motivation to be happy and comfortable single when everyone else around you is single but it can get harder to deal with when you are single and there are people around you who are not.   This next stage is a real tester because it can make or break you. The fear of missing out can either have you going back to your ex who was TOTALLY wrong for you or have you jumping into a new relationship at the wrong time, leading you to mak

How to be truly happy in a season of singleness (Part 1)

The first question to ask is: Are  you happy with yourself? How often do you guys come across a movie, novel, social media, or even real-life where a person is intentionally single and is truly happy? Not often right... it all mostly portrays relationship goals. I'm sure you've all heard about intentional dating where you are not dating just to date but have a goal at the end of it, which is marriage. Well... it's the same with being intentionally single except the end goal is to be the best version of yourself and to learn to love yourself, which is even more important to do before entering any relationship. Your season of singleness is so essential for your personal growth, attracting the RIGHT partner and entering a HEALTHY relationship and I wish that someone would of told me this before I even started dating! For this reason, I feel like it is my duty to share some insight on how to be happy in that IMPORTANT time of being single.  When making steps towards bein

Easter in Quarantine

Happy Easter! I just want to say that in spite of all of us living in weird times where we are locked in our homes and everything is put on pause, I am so grateful that me, my family and all those who believe in this holy holiday are able to still celebrate it and so blessed to be able to do so. There are families who are not able to celebrate Easter the way they usually do because of the current situation, as most people are laid off from work and cannot afford to buy a lot of food, chocolate or other things. What I want to say to those families and anyone reading this is that, despite what mainstreams commercialization of this holiday might tell/sell you, this is a holiday to celebrate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ not the Easter bunny (although its cute) and you don't need much to do that!  I also know that this year is not the same for a lot of people of faith not being able to go to church on Easter Sunday but guess what... God's church i


Pink brush strokes paint blue skies Blends into orange Yellow rays receding with the sun In all its beauty I watch it set behind the mountains A warm summer breeze lingers The trail of your fingers on my skin Moments of possibilities above the white rooftops Leaning out the balcony, you call me: "Mi Amore, Don’t let the sun go down on our love."                                                                                                               ©      ~ Star Latty

Italy Gallery Tour

Ciao belle persone! Are you bored at home wishing you could see more than just the walls in your home? I might have an alternative remedy that lets you take a break from the boring indoors to seeing beautiful scenery! I know everyone can't travel because were all following the safety measures of staying home and since my visit to Italy was too short for me to write a whole blog about it, I decided to switch it up this week and do a blog gallery instead! So, come tour Florence and Bologna, Italy with me! Firenze (Florence), Italia  Meet my Italy girl band... and yes you heard me right I said Girl Band! It felt like we were a famous girl group when we were in Florence because we got so much attention from everyone! This was my first time traveling with friends and I loved the experience! I took this picture standing at a window in the Ufizzi gallery, which had the most amazing views of the  Pointe Vecchio bridge . It has such a  majestic  feel to it when looking at it

I Sink Deep

I Sink Deep Treading slowly Led limbs Water creeps up Needles prick my skin My throat Suffocating me I sink deep Abyss Time Goes on Pulling Me Down Until I am Nothing I rise Faster lighter Water grazes my skin Like smooth silk Brushing against my face Loving hands pulling me up Eyes slowly open To a warm light Free I Rise                                                                                                           ©      ~ Star Latty