Easter in Quarantine
Happy Easter!
I just want to say that in spite of all of us living in weird times where we are locked in our homes and everything is put on pause, I am so grateful that me, my family and all those who believe in this holy holiday are able to still celebrate it and so blessed to be able to do so. There are families who are not able to celebrate Easter the way they usually do because of the current situation, as most people are laid off from work and cannot afford to buy a lot of food, chocolate or other things. What I want to say to those families and anyone reading this is that, despite what mainstreams commercialization of this holiday might tell/sell you, this is a holiday to celebrate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ not the Easter bunny (although its cute) and you don't need much to do that!
I also know that this year is not the same for a lot of people of faith not being able to go to church on Easter Sunday but guess what... God's church is not the building, its his people and one thing that God has been showing me through this lockdown is that some people have depended so much on a building or others to get to know and worship God. The Lord said where two or more are gathered in his name, there he will be with them (Matthew 18:20). So it doesn't matter that the churches are closed down, we can still worship God from the comfort of our homes and we also have the technology to join in fellowship online.
I don't know if you've ever thought about how life-changing and important this holiday really is. When reflecting on the series of events that unfolded from Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday it is overwhelming because if Jesus did not do what he did we would not be able to have such personal relationships with God. That moment when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to Jesus' tomb only to discover that Jesus was gone and were met by angels that told them that he is not there: for he has risen (Matthew 28:6), the free gift of grace was given unto us. Jesus's blood covers the sin of the past, the present and the future generations and because of him we have the chance to be with God in heaven and not damned for eternity by the bondage of sin and death.
Before Jesus, God was known as a grand but far off spiritual entity that could only be reached through appointed people like high priests and prophets, which sadly some religions still look to them and not Jesus. It did not matter the amount of good works you had done, we would all still be facing the same fate... BUT through grace, which was given unto us by Christ, we were given a chance to have our sins forgiven and to receive everlasting life because Jesus overcame death. Hear me whoever reads this, it is not about good works and religion and its laws, which made Jesus's own people (the Jews) not accept him and consequently missed out on a great blessing, it is about FAITH, which the Gentiles showed and were able to receive grace. Only through grace and accepting Jesus Christ will you be able to inherit the kingdom of heaven. After Christ's crucifixion, God's spirit was able to dwell in all of us throughout generations and now we are able to have the CHOICE to follow after him.
What will you choose to follow after: everlasting life and truth or a life that is bounded by sin and death..? Set yourself free today!
Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your Easter!
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