Promise Land

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My tears have become my food
And the pillow beneath my head
Keeping me up at night
A running stream I sowed in 
And began to grow

In the midst of sorrow, I planted my seed
In the place that felt forgotten 
There, it started to turn green
Light shining through the darkness
I started to see

My days have come
My mourning turned to dance
My tears to laughter
My pain to peace
Under the open heavens 
You finally came to me...
...My harvest of joy

At the break of dawn
You fought for me

Now the lines have fallen in pleasant places
My inheritance, you are secured
Underneath the open heavens
Crossing over, my freedom is ensured 
As I finally enter the land you've promised
©    ~ Star Latty

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I have written a blog but so much has been happening and if any one of you follow me on social media you would know the big news! I have started my own business and it's A LOT but I am so grateful that the Lord made it possible and gave me the grace to do it! I will speak more about it and the meaning of this poem in my next blog.

Stay tuned, I will be posting soon again :)


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