The Everlasting Well

Can you water these dry bones
With milk and honey
I tried to find peace
But there isn't any
Trying and trying and trying again
To sooth my soul
And the thirst within me
I tried to find it in the world
But it's all temporary 
Trying and trying and trying again
To fill this void
Can you hear me?

You answer... 

Yes, I will water your dry bones
Not with milk and honey 
But with the living water that is in all plenty
Because it will never run dry
                                    ~ Star
A lot of us try so hard to be successful in this lifetime and forget that this life is temporary. We live in a society where we are taught to go after the next best thing and to keep reaching and wanting more and more. We are told that it's normal to be like this, to always be wanting because that's how you get more successful. But what they never tell you is the lack of peace that comes with constantly chasing the next thing, the stress it has on your mental health and most importantly how much it does not guarantee happiness or fulfillment.

I've come to realize that so many people are unsatisfied in life and they try to fill whatever void they have with money, sex, relationships, drugs, and success... but no matter how much we try to fill our void with these things it will never satisfy because they are just a feel good for a moment. We all search and search for happiness, a purpose or something bigger than ourselves until we end up lost and empty, deceiving ourselves to try to get by in this life. But I don't want to just get by and I don't want happiness that only last a moment but a happiness that is everlasting. So, it all leads up to this question... what can fill that void?

And the answer is simple... Jesus but yet we make it not simple...

There's a story in the bible about the Samaritan woman who met Jesus at a well. The gist of the story is that this woman had an encounter with Jesus that changed her life. During this encounter, Jesus tells the woman about the living water, which is different from the well's one. For the well's water Jesus says, "whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again," "but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life" (John 4: 13, 14). Then, to her amazement, Jesus tells this woman everything that has happened in her life, as it is revealed that this woman has had five marriages that failed. This passage shows a woman who has tried many times to fill whatever thirst/void inside her with men or marriage but the only one who can truly satisfy her thirst is Jesus and she knows it, which is why she then ask Jesus to give her this living water so that she will never have to thirst again.

The well water will satisfy your thirst for a moment but Jesus is the everlasting well that won't run dry. We are all empty shells without him whether we want to acknowledge it or not but we come alive when we encounter him because like he says in the passage he springs a well of everlasting (not temporary) life, love and peace within us that will satisfy us and our every need. 


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