Don't Stand For Hate, Stand For Change

Galatians 5:13-15

"For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take head that ye be not consumed by one another."

I started my blog with this scripture because it really puts in perspective the current events of racial tension and police brutality against the black community, which has not started and will probably not end with the injustice and inhumane death of George Floyd and every black man or woman that has been wrongly killed. 

Freedom is but an illusion in this world. Freedom is abused in this society. Where was the freedom when a man's last breath was taken from him? When is it right to take someone's life into your own hands? Isn't God the beginner and finisher of our fait? No, there is no such thing as freedom in this world but there is true freedom in Christ. Freedom from fleshly bondages of sin that leads to hate, to violence, to strife and to murder. We experience freedom through the spirit of Christ to love, be joyful, to be good and to experience a peace like never before. In that freedom, we must not give way to fleshly desires but to spread the good and true word of God and to love one another like he has called us to and it's sad and ridiculous that people are killing others just because of the colour of their skin. We all bleed red, we are all made in God's image, we are all human.

The second commandment of God is to love our neighbours, it doesn't just mean the people who live around you but EVERYONE and he tells us to love each other like we love ourselves. If you hate someone then do you hate yourself? Hate doesn't just come out of nowhere... I know people are outraged and you guys have a right to be but just remember that hate is poisonous, it spreads like a virus. This is why God says to be slow to anger and forsake wrath. Hate can consume and fighting hate with hate produces violence and even more deaths! The Lord says, "whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him" (1 John 5: 15). 

This is nothing but the enemy working in these chaos and uproars, this is a spiritual warfare. Getting physically angry will do nothing but lead to more destruction. This is why we must get angry spiritually (I know it doesn't make sense) but turn to God in this time, put the whole armour of God on to stand firm against the enemy and his plans. I know people say there's no time for peace because it hasn't worked in the past but just remember that God isn't sleeping and he said vengeance is his. God is not only love but he is just and he says the wicked will not prosper for long and everyone will have to give an account for what they have done in this lifetime (those are his words not mine). 

One last thing I also want to address is people posting about other people being silent. Yes, I agree that those who are active on social media and support other causes and stay silent for the black lives matter is wrong. However, this aggression with assuming that some people's silence means that they're doing nothing and indicating that they support racism is also wrong. How do you know that they've not signed petitions, attended marches or donated to a BLM cause? What makes you think the people who are being loud posting and reposting are really doing anything to help? Yes, social media is a good platform to bring more awareness but it does not validate you. Actions speak louder than words just remember that.

Together we stand and divided we fall and if we do not stand firm against the hate and look to God then we all don't stand a chance for change.


  1. Beautifully crafted, well timed and relevance to this generation and others to come.
    Racism or discrimination is basically the act of dishonouring another person because of a preconceived idea of superiority or inferiority.
    Until the colour of a person’s skin is of no lesser significance than that of another, everywhere will be “war” of the races.
    There are consequences to dishonourable conduct. The ongoing upheaval in the United States are a practical example of the stupidity of racism.
    Don’t be part of it.

  2. Very thought full and onpoint massage it takes some wise intelligent thinking for all you have said,nice work

  3. Amen, God said that vengeance is His, He doesn't fall off of His throne! Great post :)


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