A Meditation on God's Love

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God: and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God/God is love" (1 John 4:7-8).

Lately, I've been meditating on love and not the fairytale, romance and worldly love that we learn about through movies and story books. It's a love that is above it all, a grander more powerful kind of love... and that's the love of God. Love first manifested when God gave his only son to the world so that we may be forgiven of our sins. Jesus died for people that hated him, shunned him, beat him and he still said Lord forgive them, they do not know what they are doing! Can you imagine that? No man on earth would ever do this and that's why God's love is the greatest! That is why as believers "we love him because he has loved us first" (1 John 4:19), even when we didn't deserve it. 

His love is perfect, no other love of this world can ever compare to God's love and because we are his children his perfect love also dwells within us as he says in (1 John 4:12). His love does not know fear or hate. It is also not boastful, conditional, failing, selfish, greedy or fading, instead, it is everlasting, unfailing, unearned and unconditional. He showed that love through Jesus Christ and that's the kind of love that I believe in. The incredible thing is that all God asks of us is to believe in his son Jesus Christ and love him by keeping his commandments and love each other as Christ loves us. God is love and if we are to be like him then we must also show that kind of love to one another. The world lacks this love today and that's why there is so much waring and divorces. 

As a follower of Christ, I and all my fellow believers need to go out into the world and be a light in its darkness, not only to spread the word and the truth of God but also his love because through hate we show love. Even though you fail at times or you don't believe in God or you've done some shameful things in your life, God still loves you and his love overcomes everything, it conquers all.

Be blessed and encouraged because you are loved!


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