Christmas in England

Would it be appropriate to say "I'm back and I'm better"? I did not even consult myself in agreeing to take a break... lol but on a serious note this inconsistency needs to stop ASAP. Not a good way to start my year, especially with this new personal project that I have set for myself. Any-who, even though this is a month and a half late, I thought It would be a great idea to share my experience of spending Christmas in England!

Welcome to England!

When thinking of England you think of a gloomy rainy country with the cool iconic red double decker buses and telephone booths. You also think about things to see like Big Ben, London eye, Oxford street, Buckingham palace and a lot of other cool touristy, popular activities. This is exactly what I got to experience, however, I was lucky enough not to have any rainy weather during my visit except on the last day when I was leaving. I would say the best day I had was when I went on a boat ride that showed a nice view of London bridge and London eye. Then, I went on the swing ride close to the London eye wheel and had roasted peanuts on the bridge. Doesn't that sound like the perfect day out in London?...Well it was, not even shopping on Oxford street could beat that day for me.

England at first sight
My first impression of England... 
well I wouldn't call it a fair first impression since I flew into Gatwick airport, which was away from everything else. So, all I got to see was nature and the highway and in some ways it really reminded me of Canada apart from them driving on the opposite side. Also, the weather wasn't bad either, I was expecting it to be even colder but I guess no winter is as cold as the winters in Canada but England is for sure gloomy though! 

Reuniting with my sister

It was also great to see my older sister who I haven't seen in years but it didn't feel like time had passed that long between us. We did a lot of catching up and I got to meet the rest of her family and in case you're wondering, me and my sister share the same dad but have different moms. To her family, I was known as the "friendly Canadian," her mom made sure to tell everyone that I was a hugger and that I was Canadian as an explanation as to why I'm so friendly at the family's Christmas dinner. Me and my sister are total opposites and she did not fall short of reminding me that but despite our differences it was amazing to spend time with a sibling closer to my age. Side note: (I have siblings on my mom side who are a lot younger than me, so it was nice to have someone closer in age to talk to). Anyways, we went out for dinner, shopped and dressed up and just had fun doing touristy things around the city together.

Overall, the trip was good, however, I definitely felt like I haven't fully experienced England. I will definitely need to book a future trip, especially to visit my friends and sister again. If anyone has any suggestions on where in England to visit next I would so be open to it!

Star signing out, have a great rest of your week guys!


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