Is God Real?

Some people say that a dream is just the result of a natural human functioning because it's a reflection of our subconsciousness and I couldn't agree more... but have you ever thought of a dream as being something beyond just your "sub-conscience"? Have you ever wondered if some of what you dream or experience in a dream can have a deeper meaning? 
     What if I told you that dreams, which you have always seen as natural, can be used in a supernatural way. What if I told you a dream can be a way for God to communicate with you.  What if I told you that God is real and he gave me this exact message in a dream to tell you... 
    While sitting and contemplating on how I would write this next blog post, and one in which I know might not be well received by some people, I had to ask God to guide me on what I am about to tell you. He led me to a specific verse found in Job, a chapter in the bible that I have never read before but is exactly what I needed to explain myself, it says: "Indeed God speaks once, or twice, yet no one notices it -- in a dream, a vision of the night. When sound sleep falls on men, while they slumber in their beds. Then he opens the ears  of men and seals their instructions." (Job 33:14-16).  
       On December 6th, 2019 at about 7am in the morning I was having a dream and then it stopped and when I mean stop, I don't mean because I woke up... What I mean is that everything and everyone in my dream froze. I dreamt that I was sitting in an auditorium with a bunch of people and all of a sudden a strong force just seized all of our bodies and we all fell to the ground on our sides. While I laid there with so many others, I felt something move my hair and all of a sudden I felt a strong gust of wind blowing in my left ear and I started trembling in fear. It felt like my ear was being exposed or open to some strong force that I couldn't see. A voice spoke as I continued to shake, it told me that it had a message for me and when it spoke a weird sense of calmness came over me... The voice told me to text everyone and tell them that God is REAL! Immediately after that, my dream resumed but it wasn't the same, I took out my phone and started texting people and then I woke up. I know what happened to me wasn't just an ordinary dream, it was beyond the ordinary and because of that I knew I had to figure out what exactly happened in my dream and one thing for sure, I knew I had to share it through this platform. 
       First, the fact that everyone in my dream did not know what was about to hit them made me think about how most of us have our focus on the wrong thing. In this day and age, we focus too much on the material things of this world, the "now," the individual satisfaction... I truly believe we're moving towards a de-moralizing society with everything that's going on and I think it's because we are really losing focus on what's important. We have moved into a mind frame as a society where we think we are "invincible" but that's not reality... there is an end and all that you accumulate in this life, "here and now," won't matter (sorry to be so morbid... but that's just the truth). This makes me think of that popular verse from Mark 8:36, which says "for what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul"? And I've always thought about that verse and how all the treasures in this world is temporal - things rot, things get stolen or broken... but then, I think about what the bible says about the treasures found in God's kingdom, and it says that they're everlasting. “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew, 16:19-21). 
        What I interpret this verse as saying is that we should set our hearts on pursuing God's kingdom first, on getting our soul right and our hearts right because that's what matters in the end, not the money (which is yes important but also literally a piece of paper). Don't get me wrong! I'm not telling you that God is saying that you should be poor and just praise him... Let's be real, just sitting there praying and reading your bible is not going to put food on your table. What I'm trying to say is that our daily actions should be guided by something than just money, our moral compass, which is God. And before you say "we don't need God to tell us what's good and bad" think about where your moral sense could of possibly came from... even some of the great philosophers like Thomas Aquinas, Plato, ect, knew that it came from beyond human understanding or capabilities and that it couldn't just be passed off as "science."
        So, whatever we do, we should "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added onto you"(Matthew 6:33). If we prioritize God in our lives, then he will prioritize us and take care of us as he promised because he is our ultimate provider. I am not just saying this just to bible quote, but have you ever had one of those moments where your in a situation that you cannot possibly see your way out or it getting better but for some miraculous reason it all works out?... I wouldn't just pass that off as mere "luck." I've heard testimonies where people shouldn't have made it through certain situations but they manage to by the grace of God - and this is what I mean by that verse from Matthews.  
      The second thing that I realized while laying there on the floor amongst others is that most of us are just sleep walking our way through life. I'm sure you've heard of some people saying the phrase "I'm woke"! Well when I talk about being "woke" I mean spiritually. Believe it or not, there are eviler things going on in this world far beyond what meets the eye. In Ephesians 6:12 it talks about this, it says that we are not only wrestling against flesh and blood (things that are tangible) but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Just think about some of the horrible things that you hear that's happening in today's world... science can't always be used to explain why it's happening. There is a spiritual warfare, which is why Ephesians also says to put on the whole armour of God in order to fight and protect ourselves from such evils because they cannot be fought in the physical. 
       Although most of us are "sleep walking," it doesn't mean we are invisible. We might not want anything to do with God but he still pursues us even when we're not aware. I, myself would say that at one point I was very unaware of anything spiritual but I knew about God because I grew up in a Christian home. I believe that each of us have to go through our own spiritual journey to really get it and understand. Before, I was only Christian by association to what I grew up in but once I started to establish a personal relationship with God I realized that it's more than just religion and its also more than just a "feel good" belief. Through my personal experiences and spiritual warfares, I realized that God is not just some fairy tale to make you feel good but that he is real! 
        Sometimes it takes you having to go through things that are traumatic or having a spiritual encounter or just reaching a moment in your life that's a changing point to see that we're not alone in this life, there is someone who is looking out for us even when we're facing struggles because lets keep it real... life is not meant to be easy but you get through it day by day. We wake up each day not by our own merit but by God's, as " non can't keep alive his own soul" (Psalms 22:29), we keep going because something greater than us is sustaining us and that's God. Get to know him, get to know Jesus because being spiritually woke will change your life, it will change the way you look at life, it will even change your whole being because when you find yourself spiritually, you will find YOU. The unconditional and everlasting love of God would leave the ninety-nine sheep to go after the lost one. 


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