A New Chapter

Hey all! This is long overdue but welcome to my personal blog.  

Before jumping right into it... I should probably tell you guys more about myself and how I, a girl from Canada (who has never been to Europe AT ALL), ended up finishing her final year of Uni in Spain!  

      I'll start by saying that this year has been a whirlwind of a year. If someone were to tell me at the beginning of this year that I would be living in Spain I wouldn't believe them. So much has happened in the last couple of years of my life since moving away from home to school in Ottawa but I won't get into too much details about the past because... lets be real its the past. I will say one thing for sure, which is that that time was a transitioning period of my life. What I mean by this is that I was in a stage of my life where everything was changing; friends, relationship and my views on what was important to me. In that season of my life, I started to establish a relationship with God, which made it harder for me to stay in the same group of friends and in the relationship that I was in because God was changing me from the inside out and I no longer felt like I fitted in anymore. It's so funny to even say this because God literally says, "Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord" (2 Corinthian 6:17). During that time, I felt alone and like nobody understood what I was going through because God was making me grow and the growing pain was not fun at all.

       Now fast forward to the beginning of this year, 2019, I decided to start it off with fasting for 21 days with a church that I follow online. One word that became really important to me this year is the word "RELEASE," it was like that word followed me wherever I went, I swear!! But it was a word that guided me in my fasting because I fasted for God to break many chains that were still holding me back from reaching the person that I wanted to be. And... to tell you the truth, I have witnessed a lot of breakthroughs within myself during this year (can I get a Hallelujah! lol). Now this doesn't go without saying that I still have struggles, I'm still human, not everything is sunshine and rainbows after establishing a relationship with God. This summer especially reminded me of that, as it was an emotional roller coaster for me because I was suffering internally and I didn't know why. I tried to hide it with a smile but I was mentally not okay. I knew I needed to get away and that I needed to start fresh and for me that was Spain. 

      It's kind of weird how I decided to go on exchange for my last experience of university but I felt like I needed a change of environment, which I thought would be good for my mental health and also, I just wanted to end my uni experience with a BANG! It was a scary decision and there were many times during the process where I doubted but I know my path was guided because I was meant to come here to Spain. Funny thing, I never even had Spain in mind or even heard of the town Alicante before but after meeting my friend, an exchange student from Spain at my uni, he convinced me to come and I just knew it wasn't coincidence. So I did the paperwork, waited and when the time came I hopped on that plane and kept looking forward as I fully stepped in faith into this New Chapter of my life... and I can say that I am truly happy. 


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