
Showing posts from May, 2020


The teacup is warm in the palm of my hands It gives me comfort while the rest of my body stays cold I shiver, I can’t feel no more but its good to not feel and then I remember that the teacup is warm in the palm of my hands   Carefully wrapped  One loop interwinding with another Tightly tied  Beautiful bow, neatly primped A strand escapes I’m unraveling…   ©      ~ Star Latty

To a time...

Take me back to a time When I was young And kisses from you didn’t sting Like our memories A bee--taking nectar from a flowers head  But you took my honey away And didn’t replenish it… Take me back to a time When I would climb the dock where old men fished Running in the meadowlands Climbing the big trees to the very top Where I would see the world Big, Bright and Beautiful Take me back to a time Where the little girl That’s eyes were full of stars And not dimmed by life Was the girl staring back at me Take me back to a time... W hen I had   no worries                                                              ©      ~ Star Latty

An Epistle to God

Change me oh Lord Is what I look to you and pray Waring against emotions Each and every day I wish my flesh would shrivel up And just fade away Free from its heavy burden Please do not delay Give joy within my spirit And please let it stay I'm tired of being unhappy I need this sadness to keep at bay For when I am weak, you are my strength  So hear me oh Lord when I say I need you I don't want to be the same  I beg, teach me to know your ways My soul is cast down within me Save me oh Lord  My heart is dismayed  You tell me to find rest in you So in your peace Lord I will lay                                        ©      ~ Star Latty

Mount Zion

You sit high on Mount Zion Looking over us Eyes turned upwards  Climbing that great mountain The cold earth underneath my palms Rough rocks loosen my grip Keep falling.....  I get up - I try to reach you Stuck on the ground  I want to give up Your hands reach out towards me  Telling me to try again  To trust in you Teary eyes turned upwards  Climbing the great mountain Warm breeze embraces me  Just at my fingertips Close, but still out of reach...                                       ©      ~ Star Latty