
Showing posts from January, 2020

New Year, New Vision 2020

Happy New Years guys! I hope everyone had a great holiday with family and friends! I've been majorly slacking on my blogs but I will give myself the excuse of "It was Christmas break" and I also have exams after the holidays, which sucks but I am back on schedule!  I decided to bring in this new year not with the typical thought in mind "New Year, New Me" but with a New Vision. "New Year, New Me" doesn't automatically bring a sudden change within you and to be honest I just find the phrase an empty promise. Most of us never even keep up with the things we say we would throughout the year and lets be honest, some of us just use it because its a good Instagram caption. So, why don't we get rid of the empty promise of "New Year, New Me" and use a phrase that is more than a promise but a vision of what you want to be, accomplish or change in this new year. Did you know having a vision is a very powerful manifestation be