
Showing posts from November, 2019

Welcome to Alicante, Spain

Santa Barbara Castle        What a pretty view isn't it? I don't know about most of you but I have NEVER heard of Alicante until I decided to move there. I know what you're thinking, you must think I'm insane right? I mean who decides to just pick up and move to a country they have never been to and a town they have never heard of before! All I knew was that it was considered cheaper than a lot of the big cities and the university that I was planning to go to was considered a good school. What's even worse is that I never even looked up the place until my dad (the night before I was leaving) asked me a lot of questions about the town and I had no clue! Talk about being "responsible"... At that point, I didn't know if it was just me having hundred percent faith or just being utterly stupid.  But it all worked out, which is the good thing!...right?  Well, since I've been here for about 3 months, I think I have enough knowledge now to...

A New Chapter

Hey all! This is long overdue but welcome to my personal blog.   Before jumping right into it... I should probably tell you guys more about myself and how I, a girl from Canada (who has never been to Europe AT ALL), ended up finishing her final year of Uni in Spain!         I'll start by saying that this year has been a whirlwind of a year. If someone were to tell me at the beginning of this year that I would be living in Spain I wouldn't believe them. So much has happened in the last couple of years of my life since moving away from home to school in Ottawa but I won't get into too much details about the past because... lets be real its the past. I will say one thing for sure, which is that that time was a transitioning period of my life. What I mean by this is that I was in a stage of my life where everything was changing; friends, relationship and my views on what was important to me. In that season of my life, I started to establish a rel...